Free class March 31: ✨Office Hours Public Session ✨ Get your data questions answered.

Delightful, strategy-shifting, and totally free ideas for your next data viz

2020 Evergreen Mentoring Program

This past year, I wrote an article that required all the vulnerability and bravery I had that whole month. It was about being a woman in data visualization and some (just some) of the shit that has come with it. It was exhausting to recall the experiences I discussed…

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What? So What? Now What?

People who are short on time (i.e., most everyone) have these three questions on their mind, in this order. What’s going on? What does this mean to me? What are we (actually, YOU) going to do about it? The shorthand way of structuring that storyline: What, So What, Now…

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Calling the Data Viz Curious

Ever spot those gorgeous graphs in the New York Times or the Washington Post and wish you could make them? You can. And you don’t need fancy software to do it. Good graphs, at their core, are based on a few fundamental principles of data visualization design, a structured…

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Decade of Data Viz

Well, that just flew by. Ten years ago, I was in the throes of writing my dissertation on Presenting Data Effectively, knowing I had focused on a topic that the world was hungry for, even if they didn’t know it yet. I had collected enough literature and data to know…

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Four Ways to Show Projections

Of course we all want to know what will happen in the future. These days folks are looking at data like it has a crystal ball. To the extent that we provide our audiences with projected data, let’s talk about ways to visualize the projected data. Because here’s the thing:…

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When Will Bad Infographics End?

Back in November of **2010** I set up a Google Alert for “infographic.” Oh, I thought, these are an interesting development in how we communicate data. But either the quality of the design will drastically improve or these things will be a fad that disappears within a couple years.

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Excel vs. Tableau vs. R

We are hard core believers that you should become the master of the tools you own. If your company relies on Microsoft, figure out how to use Excel to make amazing data visualizations. If your company invested in a site-wide license for Tableau, climb over that learning curve and master…

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Audience Engagement Strategies

Dr. Sheila Robinson is a master at engaging an audience. She’s honed this skill through decades of work in education where you have to know how to take the pulse of a room and determine whether a change in direction is needed to keep the group tuned in. You…

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The Dashboard Sketch Process

“I vote no.” This short answer speeds up the dashboard development process significantly. And I developed the question my client voted on in roughly 3 minutes, by showing her a quick sketch of some possible graph options. My client is in charge of a dashboard that tracks how high school…

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