When people aren’t 100% sure you are talking to them, they ignore you. (Heck, when I’m jogging and the dude in the car is clearly talking to me, I still ignore him.) You want your audience to immediately see themselves in your data and how that data story is relevant…
Visuals for the Methods Section
You can tell when someone is getting their data viz eye well-honed because they start asking where ELSE can I include visuals that will better explain my work? That’s Sue. She had grown comfortable with high-impact, story-telling charts in the Results section of her reporting but…
Add Labels ON Your Bars
Meg, an Academy student, sent me a great question for our monthly Office Hours call: How do I replicate this? Pretty cool chart, right? It comes from Global Web Index, who put out tons of relevant data in interesting graphs.
Graphic Designers Need To Learn Data Viz
I am a data nerd. I grew up, professionally speaking, designing studies, collecting data, and trying to get people to make use of the analysis and results. After I married a graphic designer, I realized that no one was going to pay attention to my amazing, glorious, wonderful data if my…
How To Teach People Data Visualization
Have you ever accidentally taken one step too far down the internet rabbit hole? This has happened to me more than once when I’m trying to google the solution to why my chart isn’t working. I click into a Q & A forum that teases the answer – but the…
Friends Don’t Let Friends Use Stoplight Color Schemes
Google image search “data scorecard” and you’re gonna get a lot of this: Full, just FULL, of stoplight color schemes. Friends don’t let friends use stoplight color schemes. This is the tiny hill I am willing to die on. So Friend, let’s talk about…
The Answer Lies Within
The most annoying Magic 8 ball answer would be “The answer lies within.” Because, it’s like, why would I even be consulting you, Magic 8 ball, if I already knew the answer? Yet in reality I can’t even believe how often this is the case. People will actually tell me…
COVID Data Viz
Star Wars or Star Trek? I totally wasn’t expecting this MD to pitch me that question on live TV. Good thing I have a teenage son who has spent years preparing me for the right answer. The docs on the Medical News Network brought me on to talk…
Will Amazon Lift Their Ban on PowerPoint?
When Jeff Bezos said in his 2018 annual letter to stakeholders, “We don’t do PowerPoint,” you could almost hear the stock price of Microsoft sliding downward. Presentation designers around the world started looking for second jobs. CEOs in other organizations started to follow suit, because whatever Bezos does is…
The Missing Part of Style Guides
Half of the people in my data visualization workshops don’t even realize there’s a style guide lurking around somewhere in their organization, but chances are the Communications department has been begging people to use the style guide all this time. One big reason more folks don’t adhere to the…