or countries or students or departments or… you just have a lot of categories to squeeze into your chart. How to proceed without creating a hot mess?
Show Your Symbols
People interpret symbols as pictures, not words. That makes symbols, like $, more instantly recognized and understood than words, like dollar.
Can AI Write Great Chart Titles?
I gave two AI tools – ChatGPT and Gemini – two simple datasets and asked them to generate insightful titles.
Graphing Qualitative Data
Announcing my new chart chooser with 22 qualitative data visualization options.
How Much Data Viz is Too Much
How much is “too much?” I’m sure you’ve seen that eye glaze from time to time. The answer is actually deceptively simple.
Ways to Visualize Statistical Significance
If you’ve passed the two criteria for communicating statistical significance, here are four ideas for ways to indicate it in your data visualizations.
Three Dots
Use your chart title to communicate a takeaway idea. What if your takeaway idea is complex or multi-part? Employ three dots.
Watching Leadership Catch the Insight
Have you ever worked for a client where you were going to have access to data so close to the chest that you had to sign a form acknowledging you could no longer trade their stock? That’s me, often, when I work with Fortune 100 companies.
Data Viz for Social Media
If you want your data to get consumed by more people, you have to design it for viewing on social media platforms where they consume visuals.
Qualitative Street Data Visualization
Let me add three new qualitative data visualization ideas to your library: Placement Maps, Timeline Ticks, and Sliders.