I took a deep breath and I did it. I changed my Twitter handle. This is a big deal.

Things sure are evolving around here. It goes like this:

I fell into the field of evaluation. Like most people on the planet (including my parents), I had no idea what evaluation was.

My grad school advisor said, “I have this friend across campus who needs an assistant. Go meet with him.”

I sat down near his desk and he handed me a yellow legal pad and I guess I was hired right then. That moment, I became an evaluator when 10 minutes prior, I didn’t even know such a thing existed.

That guy was Michael Scriven. That’s correct, THE Michael Scriven, arguably the most important evaluator in history.

The evaluation field was where I later tested my ideas about presenting data effectively. Evaluators are still a big chunk of my clients. I keynoted evaluation conferences in Arizona, Oregon, Nebraska, and New Zealand this year and I’ll be joining the workshop lineup at The Evaluator’s Institute in January.

Evaluation is still my home in many ways.

But… more and more, the clients I work with – Verizon, United Nations, Head Start – are NOT evaluators.

These days, Evergreen Data is growing fast (profits doubled this year) and evolving beyond the field of evaluation. I’ve begun marking this evolution with a bit of rebranding. A fresh look on the website. Updated headshots. A new logo. A different Twitter handle. I’m no longer just @evalu8r. I’m @evergreendata.

I’ve been talking with some smart colleagues about this and here’s where I’m going:

I’m talking about using data visualization and intentional reporting as one of the most important tools to shape organizational culture. Data presentations that are clear, straightforward, and elegant make for precise discussions and actionable decisions.

Presenting data effectively forges a culture that is efficient and innovative and bold.

When organizations embrace effective data communication and adopt it as part of their culture, they become smarter, more accurate, and faster to market.

This isn’t just about becoming an Excel ninja, though that happens on the way. This is about creating an informed culture of clarity that reflects in everything from internal staff meetings to customer loyalty. I’ve seen it in my clients. I want to see it in you too. This is a big deal.

To lots more together,

Stephanie Evergreen
The One and Only Heavy Hitter at Evergreen Data



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