People leave my workshops flying high, strutting out of the conference room with confident new moves. 

 They show up to the office next day full of swagger and fresh viz ideas…

where the existing organizational culture stops them from actually implementing any of it. 

You’re the lone dataviz unicorn trying to get everyone on board and they just ain’t having it.

Organizational data visualization culture is that unspoken behemoth that exists in no department but lives quietly everywhere.

It’s that inertia that makes your boss say “just reuse those old slides.” It’s the drag that makes your art department churn out the same overly tick-marked bar chart. It’s culture, which is another way of saying It’s just the way things have always been done around here.

It is exactly what has to change for companies to use data to make effective, action-oriented decisions.

Come to my free class and we’ll talk about how to foster a culture of data visualization.

Add your contact info here for an instant class pass

Many of my former students have successfully shifted organizational culture around reporting. So I polled them for their strategies on how they went from being a lonely data viz unicorn to building a culture of dataviz and I’ve gathered the 10 ideas that’ll get you the most mileage. 

I’ll teach you strategies you can put into place right away so that you AND YOUR WHOLE TEAM wins.

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$750 per month