This morning I defended my dissertation (successfully).

Last week a part of my literature review was published in New Directions for Evaluation. Link to the whole issue here.

Later this week I’m headed to  talk to the Indiana Evaluation Association about graphic design in evaluation reporting.

In the start of November, I’ll be at the American Evaluation Association’s annual conference, running around like mad. I have a full day workshop on graphic design in evaluation slideshows, a 90 minute demonstration on the same topic, plus the business meeting for the Data Visualization and Reporting Topical Interest Group that will be run as an Ignite session. Not to be missed. And we’re hosting a Slide Clinic on Tuesday night in the Laguna Room, performing on-the-spot slide triage. Talk about my kind of fun.

So you’ll forgive my absence on the blog and catch up with me soon, right?

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