In years past, I designed for you cards to help you celebrate Valentine’s Day and the winter holidays like the data nerd you really are. But truth be told, my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. I love the food, the focus on family, and the deep expressions of gratitude. Does your family do that? Yes, I am the one that makes everyone go around the table and list off the things they are thankful for. I usually tear up a little. Then food. I mean, what better holiday is there??
So I made you some thank you cards so that you can express your gratitude to friends, family, sweethearts, and clients.
All cards are purchased through Zazzle, who prints and ships you as many as you want. Enjoy, and thanks for being a part of this with me.
Back to Back Bar Chart Thank You Card
My Friend Venn Diagram Thank You CardThis is Significant Thank You Card
You Score High on All My Survey Questions Thank You Card
Dot Plot Thank You Card
Evergreen Data Visualization Academy subscribers – heads up, you have a 10% discount on these. Coming soon through our Academy newsletter, so sit tight and just obsess over which one you love the most.
I’ve made data nerd cards and gifts for other occasions, too. Check out my Holiday swag (flasks!) and Valentine’s cards.